Bodycomp Imaging

Accurate, Informative, A-grade Body Scanning

Jevitty are proud to announce the acquisition of Bodycomp imaging. Bodycomp offers the gold standard in body composition tests, making use of Hologic DXA scanners. These devices use a process called x-ray absorptiometry to take a picture of the body with impeccable accuracy (less than 1.5% error).

The excitement doesn't stop there. Once you have experienced a Bodycomp scan, the imaging and data results will all be available for you right there within your Jevitty app profile. It’s all seamlessly integrated allowing continuous access to your personal data, keeping you empowered and in constant control of your health journey, every step of the way, all from the convenience of your cell phone.

Why consider booking a bodycomp scan?

Everyone deserves to gain a personalized understanding of the baseline/ measurements (the weight of your current lean, fat & bone tissue in your arms, legs & torso (visceral fat around organs) to enable the creation of a positive health plan and reduce health risks.

  • You want to accurately measure the progress during your health journey

  • You want to lose weight

  • Learn and understand your personal caloric requirements based upon your lean tissue mass 

  • Check for hereditary related concerns

  • Wanting to gain lean muscle

  • Improve athletic performance 

  • Addressing post injury muscle imbalances & limb length measurements

  • Check for low bone density - understand your osteoporosis risk and solutions 

  • Assess the structure of the spine and pelvis (Possible explanation of aches/pains)

What sets this scan apart?

The accuracy of this equipment provides insights that go far beyond generic scanners found in gyms and similar surroundings. The scanner has the ability to segment your body providing detailed results such as fat quantities surrounding your organs, which in larger amounts, indicate particular health risks. These risks can be minimized when equipped with the valuable knowledge the scan results provide. Thereon an action plan can be created.

The scan is suitable for all who want to gain personal insight/knowledge about their current body.

Our clients include, but are not limited to:

  • Fat loss candidates

  • Preventative - The health conscious

  • Aging & hereditary concerned persons

  • Clinical research patients

  • Injury recovery clients

  • Professional and amateur Athletes

  • Doctor/professional referrals

  • 16 years and older wanting to measure/maintain/improve health

  • Amongst more

Book your full body composition here today

Book Bodycomp

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